General Information
The IVth International School and Workshop on Few-Body Systems will be held on 30 September — 4 October 2024 at Pacific National University, Khabarovsk, Russia. The Workshop is organized by Pacific National University (Khabarovsk, Russia) in collaboration with Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and Dubna State University (Dubna, Russia). The previous Workshop has been held in Dubna and was dedicated to the memory of Vladimir Belyaev (1933 — 2015), a prominent theoretician who was one of the pioneers of few-body physics and initiater of this series of workshops.
The Workshop program will cover various topics in physics of few-body systems including scattering theory, Coulombic few-body problems, few-body resonances, Efimov effect, Borromean binding, etc. Few-body systems theory is dedicated to various quantum systems that might be considered consisting of several (say two, three, or four) elementary constituents. Depending on a particular situation and the energy range under consideration, the role of such constituents may be played by quarks, mesons, individual nucleons, nuclei or even by atoms and molecules. Smallness of the number of constituents in a system allows one to develop mathematically rigorous, exact and faithful approaches to its treatment, that do not require further simplifying physical assumptions or approximations. Due to their universality, the approaches based on the theory of few-body systems pave the way to successful solving various problems in nuclear physics, in physics of atoms and molecules, in quantum chemistry etc.
Preliminary program of the school and workshop includes the following topics:
- Scattering theory for quantum systems of several particles
- Recent progress in theory of Coulombic few-body systems
- Universal properties of few-body systems at ultra-low energies
- Efimov and Thomas effects, Borromean binding, halo systems
- Numerical approaches to solving few-body bound-state, resonance and scattering problems
- ab initio shell model calculations
Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Recearch, Dubna, Russia
Scientific Laboratory for Modelling of Quantum Processes, Pacific National University, Khabarovsk, Russia